IA Interior Architects Announces Winners of the 2016 IAct Awards Program


IA Interior Architects is pleased to announce the winners of the 2016 IAct Awards. An internal, peer-driven awards program, IAct honors individuals within the firm who are making a significant impact on our company and our profession in three different categories: leadership, innovation and service. Celebrated in November each year to coincide with Thanksgiving, the IAct program celebrates, recognizes, and thanks the heart and life-line of IA: our staff.

Brenda Plechaty, Principal and IA’s Director of Human Resources noted, “The IAct Awards celebrate that our people are what make IA so special, and we honor their unique and phenomenal contributions to the firm. We pride ourselves in providing excellence in service, leadership and innovation, and this year’s honorees continue to raise the bar in every way.”

The IAct Award for Leadership was presented to John Hopkins, Principal and Design Director in Chicago. John has been with the firm for more than 10 years and developed IA’s “IA.edu” program, a monthly education initiative that shares thought leadership, best practices and overall design intelligence for all of IA globally, connecting over 550 professionals across 19 offices.

Managing Principal and IA Executive Director Tom Powers says, “John exemplifies the unpretentious design leader. In addition to being a fantastic designer, he mentors young designers in taking an ever growing leadership role on projects, always helping to guide them along the way. John is exceptional in mentoring IA design talent to navigate the varied design landscape that makes up our practice, and in leading whole programs that make all of IA better; brighter.”

The IAct Award for Innovation was presented to Michelle Hoffmann, Senior Associate and Senior Job Captain in San Francisco. Mick McCullough, Managing Principal and IA’s Chief Operating Officer, commented, “Michelle has long been a leader in the use of IA’s design tools, and has made many contributions across the firm by providing knowledge, training and troubleshooting assistance. More importantly, she has an impressive grasp of how to apply those skills to a design practice. She is always expanding her knowledge of workflows and creative approaches to project implementation, and her pioneering efforts help to define IA as a leader in innovation.”

The IAct Award for Service was presented to Clinton Johnston, Associate and Senior System Administrator, Information Technology, in Washington, DC.

“Clinton is a tremendous firm resource, and he embodies excellence in service. In addition to our corporate team, he’s been an integral member of the DC office for the last 11 years, and, as we ask him to take on greater responsibilities, he’s influenced not only the region, but the firm as a whole,” noted David Bourke, Managing Principal and IA Executive Director. “As an individual, Clinton personifies professionalism and a great attitude. We’re so happy he was honored with this award.”

“Ultimately, IA recognizes that our people are truly what make us special – a world-class design firm that cares deeply about our clients, about our profession and about one another. We are proud of the IAct program and congratulate and honor Michelle, John and Clinton as the 2016 winners,” noted Jennifer Hatton, Managing Principal of Client Services.

The awards were presented on Wednesday, November 2 during a live-stream video feed.

About IA Interior Architects

Founded in 1984, IA Interior Architects is the first and largest global architectural firm focused exclusively on interior architecture and workplace strategies. IA collaborates with clients in diverse markets worldwide, aligning their business strategies and core values with the dynamic use of space. IA has offices in Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Houston, London, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Orange County, Portland, Raleigh, San Francisco, Seattle, Silicon Valley, Toronto, and Washington, DC, and has partner affiliates in Europe, Middle East and Africa, Asia and Australia, Canada, and Latin America through the IA Global Alliance. For more information visit www.interiorarchitects.com.