HOK Product Design Names Matthew Hern Creative Director


Matthew Hern has joined HOK Product Design, LLC as vice president and creative director. He brings more than 25 years of experience in industrial design, creative direction and leadership to this new position.

Throughout his career, Hern has worked with leading design and innovation companies, serving as creative director and lead designer at BMW Group Designworks USA, as lead industrial designer at Pentagram, and as senior industrial designer at IDEO. He began at Fitch’s Exploratory Design Lab and Product Genesis. In these roles, he was responsible for fostering creative culture, leading design vision, and ensuring continuity along the entire lifecycle of product design and development.

Hern’s approach to product design as problem solving, with an emphasis on strategically evolving brands, has resulted in collaborations with clients including BART, BMW, Coca-­Cola, Janus et Cie, Motorola, Nike, Steelcase and Varian.

“We were drawn to the leadership that Matt has demonstrated with a wide range of teams and clients, including his experience with commercial architectural and design products,” said Susan Grossinger, IIDA, LEED AP, senior vice president and director of HOK Product Design. “He has exceptional design talent with an approach that is sophisticated yet never elitist. We are thrilled to welcome him to the team, and are confident that he will continue shaping our brand through design excellence.”

“Coming from leading design consultancies, I have learned that creative culture and collaboration are at the heart of building effective teams,” said Hern. “HOK Product Design is a fascinating model. It’s a focused team within a larger organization, so we can draw on many interdisciplinary experts in healthcare, science and technology, workplace and justice to combine deep industry knowledge with industrial design. I am excited about this incredible opportunity to serveclients and continue building the brand.”

Hern is a cum laude graduate of the Illinois Institute of Technology with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Design.

Founded in 2009, HOK Product DesignÂź, LLC is an independent business that engages designers who use design thinking to create innovative products for the built environment. Through project work in the corporate, healthcare, aviation and transportation, justice, science and technology, hospitality, and sports and entertainment sectors, the firm identifies opportunities or gaps in the market. The company then partners with manufacturers to develop ideas that enhance their portfolios while strengthening their market presence.

HOK is a global design, architecture, engineering and planning firm. Through a network of 24 offices worldwide, HOK provides design excellence and innovation to create places that enrich people’s lives and help clients succeed. DesignIntelligence consistently ranks HOK as a leader in sustainable, high-­performance design and technology innovation.

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