Half a Million Masks from China to Italy

Half a million masks from China to Italy thanks to FederlegnoArredo, Salone del Mobile.Milano and VNU Exhibitions Asia

Thanks to the mobilisation of the entire Chinese design world and furnishing industry, and the crucial input of VNU Exhibitions Asia (organisers of the Salone del Mobile.Milano Shanghai along with FLA China), FederlegnoArredo and the Salone del Mobile.Milano have managed to collect 545,000 masks (surgical masks and types FFP2, FFP3, KN95 and N95) at the Italian Embassy in Beijing, which will be delivered to the Italian Red Cross, which will distribute them amongst the health facilities most in need of immediate help.

FederlegnoArredo, Salone del Mobile.Milano and VNU Exhibitions Asia hope this gesture will underscore the fact that only by helping each other and pulling together can the challenges and dangers facing us today be overcome, and that every single contribution takes on a huge importance and an enormous human value in the complex battle against the COVID-19 virus decimating the whole world, and Italy in particular at this time, a country that has always enjoyed friendly relations with China and which provided support, assistance and help to the Chinese government as soon as the epidemic broke out in the province of Hubei.

The Italian furniture and design industry has achieved amazing results in China over the last 20 years, and this has been made possible also thanks to the strong ties and friendship between Italian and Chinese professionals. This initiative, coordinated by VNU Exhibitions is thus not just an invaluable gesture of friendship and a means of helping Italy at this delicate time, it is also an expression of the desire and hope that we will all be able to start working together again as soon as possible, to further and bolster this profitable collaboration and achieve even better results for both countries.