Enter the Outcome of Design Awards | Deadline Extended to Jan. 6

Share Your Outcomes and Successes

The ASID Outcome of Design Awards shed light on innovative designers and businesses that focus on the quantifiable effect of projects on people in spaces.

Projects that measure the outcome of design on the human experience through sustainable, humancentric, and socially responsible design solutions are the future, and the Outcome of Design Awards recognize the innovators who are leading the charge.

Explore the Awards

The OODA judging panel uses metric-driven criterion, including design solutions, occupant experiences, and post-occupancy research to determine the most successful projects. By focusing on measurable outcomes, the awards serve to improve the impact of design on people’s lives and enhance the practice and valuation of design services.

Review the Requirements

Held in partnership with Herman Miller, Mohawk, and Metropolis, award finalists will be featured in Metropolis magazine and in webinars, panel discussions, conferences, and social media posts.

Learn More and Submit

We look forward to receiving your project submission before the Jan. 6, 2020 deadline.

In Partnership with: Herman Miller, Mohawk Group

Media Sponsor: Metropolis

American Society of Interior Designers
1152 15th Street NW, Suite 910, Washington, DC 20005
202-546-3480 | asid@asid.org