Before We Dive into December, Here’s a Recap of IDLNY’s November Programming

“Interior Design Advocacy and Legislation: What’s next in New York State” – Representatives of IDLNY IIDA and ASID responsible for the event
“NCIDQ Certification and How to Get There” – photo credit Katherine Smythe

From Albany to New York City, IDLNY Sessions Aimed to Help New York Interior Designers Become Stronger Industry Advocates

IDLNY: Interior Designers for Legislation in New York hosted not one, but two successful sessions for New York-based interior designers this month. The coalition kicked off November with a half-day of programming upstate in Albany entitled “Interior Design Advocacy and Legislation: What’s next in New York State” and organized the session “NCIDQ Certification and How to Get There” a few weeks later in New York City with Thom Banks, Executive Director of The CIDQ. The fall programming reflects IDLNY’s mission to inform and support practicing interior designers and students throughout the state.

The Capitol Tour learns about the Million Dollar Staircase

As an introduction to the current issues on the table, the first session began with a tour of the New York State Capitol Building for regional designers and IDLNY leaders. Later that evening, the discussion continued with a networking reception and CEU accredited seminar allowing participants to delve more deeply into nuances of current legislation that regulates the industry. IDLNY’s President, Dan Villella, offered insight into the implications of practice laws for the broader interior design profession (such as the “Sign & Seal” law that prohibits interior designers from submitting plans or specifications to obtain a building permit for a project). Villella also spoke on the critical need for advocates within the industry, not just lobbyists, in order to drive momentum and support around potential bills that could expand current practice rights. Attendees left the session with resources and ways to get more involved within their own network and greater design community.

Just a few weeks later, IDLNY invited interior designers to the Kimball Showroom in New York City for an informative session on pursuing NCIDQ Certification. The coalition connected attendees with CIDQ’s Executive Director, Thom Banks, who provided a step by step guide to the certification process. With exam registrations on the rise, as much as 17% just this year, the value of certification continues to gain recognition within the industry as a worthwhile professional distinction. Passing the exam not only offers prestige and respect, but it will also open the door for Interior Designers at every step of their career, from qualifying for jobs to securing future leadership opportunities. Attendees also learned about recent changes to the exam, including the conversion of the Practicum section from a hand-written test to a new online platform. Banks also noted that the CIDQ is working to provide applicants a more robust selection of test prep materials. The evening closed with an informative Q&A.

“We’re proud to connect New York interior designers with resources and tools to aid in their professional development. Both of the sessions we hosted in November promoted conversation and awareness around key issues that affect how we practice as interior designers,” said Villella. The coalition plans to hold a workshop on the importance of pursuing Interior Design license registration in New York State later this winter.

Stay tuned for an official invite at or through social media channels:


Founded in 1984, IDLNY is the coalition for New York State interior designers. Their mission is to inform and educate the New York legislative and regulatory bodies, interior designers and consumers about the issues facing the interior design profession. IDLNY also continually monitors legislation that could affect the practice of interior design and serves as a representative coalition for this process.