Configura, maker of CET Designer software, recently held its first conference in China – the CET Experience 2019. The event attracted 85 attendees – CET Designer users, Chinese manufacturers that have invested in the software and Configura leaders – to the Hangzhou Aocheng Kaihao Hotel in the city of Hangzhou. The conference featured dozens of sessions related to CET Designer.
“Our user base in China is growing, and we want to offer the best experience as possible for them. That’s why we decided to expand the CET Experience to more locations. By hosting the event in China, we’re able to offer sessions in Chinese and reduce travel distances, so people don’t need to go all the way to the United States to learn the latest about the CET platform,” Configura Vice President of Customer Experience Tracy Lanning said.
Configura has held an annual user and developer conference in the United States since 2008. In May 2019, Configura announced the redesign, rebranding and expansion of the conference, now called the CET Experience. This year’s conference in the U.S. will be held Oct. 16-18 at the JW Marriott, Grand Lakes, Orlando. More than 600 people are expected to attend.
The CET Experience brings together the people who use, create and invest in Configura’s CET platform. In addition to a new look and feel, the rebranding also included expansion of the conference into the Chinese market.
Three of the top domestic manufacturers in China – Sunon, Novah and Onlead – participated in the recent conference held in Hangzhou. Sessions on CET Designer were offered by Configura and Sunon as well as by two CET Designer power users from Studio West Philippines.
“The CET Experience in China brought together our Chinese customers and users to learn best practices and drive development of the platform,” Configura Business Development and Office Manager Wanlin Chee said. “I’m thrilled that the event was such a big success.”
A Getting Started with CET Designer class was offered by Sunon, and Configura offered sessions on CET Designer’s Photo Lab and Movie Studio as well as a variety of other breakouts. Configura developers and CET Designer users also had the opportunity to meet, receive feedback and discuss feature requests.
CET Designer Awards China
In conjunction with the conference, Configura hosted CET Designer Awards China. An awards ceremony honored winners in Success Story, Rendering and 360 Panorama categories. The grand prize went to the winner of the 360 Panorama, Zhengguo Chen from Sunon, who received two tickets to the 2019 CET Experience in the U.S.
Tickets to the upcoming 2019 CET Experience in Orlando are available for purchase until Sept. 30. Registration, the full lineup of speakers and the complete schedule are available at https://www.cetexperience.com.
In addition, Configura will host developer conferences in the spring of 2020 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.

About Configura
Configura creates intelligent space-planning software for manufacturers, dealers and designers in the Contract Furniture, Kitchen and Bath, Material Handling, Industrial Machinery, and Laboratory and Healthcare industries. The company’s software products, including CET Designer, are used by more than 14,000 people around the world. Configura Sverige AB, the parent company, is headquartered in Linköping, Sweden, with commercial operations in Gothenburg, Sweden; Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Shenzhen, China; and Berlin, Germany. Founded in 1990, Configura is privately owned with over 200 employees worldwide and annual sales of more than $18 million USD. More information at www.configura.com.
About CET Designer
Based on technology created by Configura, CET Designer is intelligent, highly visual and intuitive space-planning software that simplifies specifying and selling of products in a variety of industries. It’s a complete solution that quickly and accurately handles every step of the sales and order process. In CET Designer, components that represent manufacturers’ products look and behave like actual products. Users drag and drop components into 2D and 3D virtual environments; behind the scenes, the software tracks components, calculates pricing and prevents user errors. Users can create and generate layouts, quotes, photorealistic renderings, movies, installation drawings, reconfigurations and bills of materials – in other words, everything needed to propose on work and place orders. CET Designer is the future of space planning. More information at www.configura.com/cet.