It used to be, as in less than 90 days ago (!) — that getting into an event, walking onto an airplane or heading to your arena seat required a ticket and some ID. We’re in a new world now and biometrics, like body temperature, are going to be the first thing that every gate agent, ticket taker, usher, teacher, etc. will be looking for.
And that goes double for our workplaces. If America is going to get back to work quickly and safely, body temp scans at buildings and office entries are the new must have.
In Minnesota, one of the trailblazers in this new normal is Cambria, the leading American-made, family-owned producer of natural quartz surfaces in North America. If you’ve been to an NFL game, attended a big trade show or recently installed new countertops in your home, you’ve likely come into contact with Cambria’s surfaces.
Cambria’s essential workers are primarily stationed in rural Le Seur, MN where the company operates a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility that covers one million square feet.
Marty Davis, the founder and CEO of Cambria, built Cambria into a powerhouse American manufacturing success story since founding the company in 2000.
When China recently tried to knock Cambria off its game by dumping over a billion dollars of underpriced quartz products into the American market, Marty sued and won an international trade commission decision that produced big level-the-playing-field tariffs.
Covid-19 is the next mountain that an undaunted Cambria is scaling as we speak. Cambria has installed body temperature detection network cameras that take workers’ temps as they file into the company’s processing, fabrication facilities and corporate HQ — 99 degrees or below, you’re in. Higher than 99, employees and guests move on to another station for additional testing.
Cambria’s implementation of the new technology as well as other safety measures the company is taking to get employees back to work has been profiled on CBS Minnesota, WCCO Minnesota, as well as in the Minneapolis Star Tribune — see links below:
Star Tribune:
As Cambria tackles the Covid-19 crisis by re-investing in technology and people right here, Marty personifies the new American success story. “Made in America” is what made America the engine of global commerce and we can do it again.