Call for Nominations for the 2016 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize

World Monuments Fund

Prize Recognizes Excellence in the Preservation of Modern Masterpieces

World Monuments Fund is now accepting nominations for the 2016 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize. It is awarded biennially to a design professional or firm in recognition of innovative design solutions that preserved a modern building or a group of buildings. Established in 2008 with founding sponsor Knoll, the prize seeks to raise public awareness of the contribution modernism makes to contemporary life, the important place modernism holds in the architectural record, and the influential role that architects and designers play in preserving modern heritage.

Less than a century after their design and construction, modernist masterpiecesā€”critical documents in the history of architectureā€”are routinely demolished or disfigured. Recognizing the thought leaders and practitioners behind the outstanding preservation projects that save these masterpieces is imperative.

An independent jury will select the winner. The jury is chaired by Barry Bergdoll, the Meyer Schapiro Professor of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University, and curator, Department of Architecture and Design, The Museum of Modern Art, and includes Theo Prudon, President, Docomomo US; Dietrich C Neumann, Professor of the History of Modern Architecture and Director, Urban Studies, Brown University; Susan Macdonald, Head of Buildings and Sites, Getty Conservation Institute; Jean-Louis Cohen, Sheldon H. Solow Professor in the History of Architecture, Institute of Fine Arts/New York University; Karen Stein, Critic, Architectural Advisor, and Executive Director of the George Nelson Foundation; and Kenneth Frampton, Ware Professor of Architecture, Columbia University. The deadline for submissions, which should be submitted online, is July 15, 2016. The winner will be announced in the fall.

World Monuments Fund began preserving modern sites in the 1980s, when it helped restore seminal modern murals in and around Mexico City following a devestating earthquake. Later, World Monuments Fund led the restoration of Brancusi’s Endless Column ensemble in Romania and the successful battle to save Edward Durell Stone’s A. Congeer Goodyear House in Long Island, New York. In 2006, responding to growing threats to modern architecture, World Monuments Fund launched the Modernism at Risk initiative with Knoll as founding sponsor. The initiative provides a framework for addressing the issues that endanger modern landmarks and supports architectural design advocacy, conservation, and public education. Visit World Monuments Fund’s website for more information on the Modernism at Risk initiative.

Past winners of the World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize:

2014: The Finnish Committee for the Restoration of Viipuri Library with The Central City Alvar Aalto Library (Vyborg, Russia). More information.

2012: The Architectural Consortium for Hizuchi Elementary School for the restoration of Hizuchi Elementary School (Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan). More information.

2010: Bierman Henket Architecten and Wessel de Jonge Architecten for their restoration of the Zonnestraal Sanatorium (Hilversum, the Netherlands). More information.

2008: Brenne Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH, headed by Winfried Brenne and Franz Jaschke, for their restoration of the Bauhaus-designed ADGB Trade Union School (Bernau, Germany). More information.

World Monuments Fund is the leading independent organization devoted to saving the world’s treated places. For 50 years, working in 100 countries, our highly skilled experts have applied proven and effective techniques to the preservation of important architectural and cultural heritage sites around the globe. Through partnerships with local communities, funders, and governments, we seek to inspire an enduring commitment to stewardship for future generations. Headquartered in New York City, we have offices and affiliates worldwide.

Visit for more information.

Knoll is a constellation of design-driven brands and people, working together with our clients to create inspired modern interiors. Our internationally recognized portfolio includes furniture, textiles, leathers, accessories, and architectural and acoustical elements brands. Ā These brandsā€”Knoll Office, KnollStudio, KnollTextiles, KnollExtra, Spinneybeck, FilzFelt, Edelman Leather, and HOLLY HUNTā€”reflect our commitment to modern design that meets the diverse requirements of high performance workplaces and luxury interiors. A recipient of the National Design Award for Corporate & Institutional Achievement from the Cooper Hewitt, Smitsonian Design Museum, Knoll is aligned with the U.S. Green Building Council and the Canadian Green Building Council and can help organizations achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) workplace certificatiion. Knoll is the founding sponsor of the World Monuments Fund Modernism at Risk program.