Brazil, a land loved for and identified by its sparkling creativity. And it is precisely this Brazilian creativity that will be on display from 3 to 9 April at Milan University, with the Brazil S/A project, part of FuoriSalone 2017.
The exhibition of highest quality products related to all living sectors, home furniture, office furniture, furnishing accessories, interior upholstery and lighting, will also be accompanied by the participation of key design studios.
With a view to increasing the number of potential business opportunities, the appointment with Brazilian design is enriched by B2B meetings and networking cocktail events organised from dal 4 to 7 April by Promos, the Milan Chamber of Commerce company specialised in internationalisation and regional marketing, in collaboration with APEX, Brazilian Agency for the promotion of exports and investments, SINDMÓVEIS – Association of furniture manufacturers from the Bento Gonçalves area, ABIMOVEL, Brazilian Furniture Industry Association and the Brazilian Consulate General of Milan.
A corner of Brazil in Milan, in order to appreciate and experience something new, and expand your business.
In fact, 60 Brazilian companies are keen to meet importers/distributors, buyers, agents, companies interested in partnerships and technology transfer, local manufacturers, architecture and design studios.
More information in the press release below:
Creativity, innovation and sustainability will be featured at the Be Brasil exhibition-event during the Milan Design Week
· Furniture, ornamental stones, ceramics and light fixtures will be on display at the University of Milan.
· 60 companies take part in the initiative, which will have business rounds and a seminar with Brazilian designers
A panorama of the Brazilian contemporary design will be featured at the University of Milan from April 4 to 9, during the Milan Design Week 2017. The work of 60 Brazilian companies will be featured at the Be Brasil exhibition-event, – organized by the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil) – ranging from handcrafts to high-tech products, always in sync with contemporary designers and major industries.
The Be Brasil will feature products that highlight the main attributes of Brazilian design – creativity, innovation and sustainability. A mix of new talents and designers already recognized with international awards will represent the Brazilian industries of furniture, lighting, ceramics and ornamental stones.
The concern with sustainability encompasses the use of certified woods as well as different recyclable materials and alternative forms of utilization, composing a narrative of Brazilian design.
Participating companies will also take part in business rounds with international buyers, when they will have the opportunity to trade their products. Another highlight of the event will be the seminar Be Brasil Talks, with Brazilian designers talking about their experience in the international market and product design.
The Be Brasil exhibit is part of the Interni Material Immaterial event at Fuorisalone, the parallel program of Salone del Mobile Milano (ISaloni). Five other Brazilian companies participate in ISaloni on an individual basis.
This initiative is carried out in partnership with the Brazilian Furniture Industries Association (Abimóvel), the Union of Furniture Industries of Bento Gonçalves (Sindmóveis), the Brazilian Association of Lighting Industry (Abilux), the Brazilian Association of the Industry of Ornamental Rocks (Abirochas), the Brazilian Association of Manufacturers of Ceramic Tiles (ANFACER) and the Rio+Design Exhibition.