American Biltrite’s manufacturing facility remains in operation to serve priority markets while following strict hygiene guidelines. Since American Biltrite manufactures products that serve the healthcare community as well as the food supply chain, it has been deemed as an essential product manufacturer and needs to remain in operation to be able to supply these industries.
American Biltrite is a key supplier to the healthcare community. Through its industrial division, it supplies rubber used in respirators as well as in other medical equipment. On the flooring division side, American Biltrite manufactures ABPure® and Marathon® rubber sheet and tile flooring for hospitals across North America and has material ready to ship for planned projects as well as for much needed temporary spaces.
“The health and safety of our employees remain our number one priority,” says Jean-Pierre Benoit, Vice-President and General Manager of American Biltrite Canada. We are following strict guidelines throughout our manufacturing facility so we can continue to operate safely. To support our employees sheltering in place, the senior management team and I delivered local traditional Easter menu items to all our employees’ homes.”
American Biltrite is a 100-year-old company that has gone through two world wars and the Spanish flu. They are committed to making it through this global crisis with the least health and financial impact for their people while providing essential services to the community.
About American Biltrite
American Biltrite develops, manufactures, and brings to market a wide range of commercial flooring and performance sheet rubber products. With over 100 years of product design and manufacturing excellence, American Biltrite is renowned for its technical expertise, product innovation and exceptional customer service, with an extensive network of distribution centers in nearly every region of the Americas. For more information on American Biltrite products, call 1-800-437-8743 for flooring, 1-888-275-7075 for industrial rubber or visit