Allsteel and Office Environments International Host 11th Annual Posh Pumpkin Event

Event Signage Welcoming Guests to the 11th Annual Posh Pumpkin Event, Allsteel Washington DC.
Décor at entrance of Posh Pumpkin Event at Allsteel Showroom, Washington, DC
Posh Pumpkin First Place Winning Entry, HKS for “Hocus Pocus”

Allsteel, Inc. and Office Environments International, Inc., an Allsteel dealer partner in Arlington, VA, co-hosted the 11th Annual Posh Pumpkin event on October 19 at Allsteel’s Washington DC showroom. More than 294 guests, including architects, designers, project managers, partners and clients, attended the Great Gatsby–themed Halloween party—a festive competition where firms submit elaborately carved pumpkins and a panel of guest judges decides which are the most creative entries. This year, teams from 14 leading architecture and design firms showcased their wildly imaginative creations, with first place going to HKS Architects for “Hocus Pocus,” the coveted prize being an Amazon Echo Show for each team member. In second and third place were WDG Architecture for “The Walking Gourd” and Samaha Associates for “Steam Punk Dragon,” whose team members received Bluetooth Headphones and Mini Instant Polaroid Cameras, respectively.

Allsteel Leadership in attendance at Posh Pumpkin Event:
Back-Front and Left-Right; Larry Metsch, Market Development Manager; Wendy Pflaum, Business Development Manager; Mike Collier, VP, Sales; Marian Morley VP, Government Accounts; Steve Westog VP, Field Sales; Ayron Myers, Market Development Manager; AJ Paron-Wildes, National A&D Manager; Kieran Morrison, Showroom Manager; Jeff Rach, Regional Manager; Lisa Schauss, A&D Manager; Marissa Marnell, A&D Manager
Team members from WDG Architects, who won Second Place for the “The Walking Ghourd”
Left to Right: Temitayo Fasusi, Frances Downey, Fiona Lougheed, Toussaint Wallace

About Allsteel
Since 1912, Allsteel Inc. has offered a world-class, comprehensive range of workplace products and solutions. We simplify the office planning process by helping our customers align their workplace strategy with their business strategy. The result is fit-to-business solutions that deliver meaningful change in a way that works for them today, as well as tomorrow. Headquartered in Muscatine, IA, the company has showrooms in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. For additional information, please visit or follow Allsteel on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube.

About Office Environments International, Inc.
For more than 23 years, Office Environments International, Inc., has been providing superior service to the Washington, D.C. market and beyond, earning a solid reputation for crafting innovative solutions to the varied work environment needs of today’s client. This reputation goes beyond our exceptional customer service and active management oversight. Our mission is to provide turnkey interiors solutions to the A&D community, general contractors, corporations, and the Federal Government by employing our unsurpassed experience and creativity with each project. For additional information, please visit