Media Category: 2019.0506


Stylex has taken a 70% larger space. The new space will allow the brand to represent bigger ideas with greater functionality.


A sneak preview of the solid wood joinery embodied in the Revo Collection designed by David Mocarski for Cumberland.

7.Emeco Wall

Emeco will present its new On & On chair and stool family designed by Barber & Osgerby in its new showroom on the 11th floor.

5.Hotel Essex

Chris McDonough and Lindsey Pickle of the Gettys Group will lead the tour of their firm’s redesign of the interior of the historic Hotel Essex.

ESD, Chicago

Jim Prendergast of Gensler will lead the tour of its design for the new HQ of engineering firm ESD in the famed Willis Tower.


Todd Heiser, of Gensler will lead the tour of its design of Catalog, the new five-level dining, shopping and immersive experience entry to the famed Willis Tower.