Media Category: 2019.0318

DIFFA DBD.IA Interior Architects

IA Interior Architects: “Past + Present + Future

“It’s been 35 years since the discovery of the AIDS virus in 1984. Since that time we have seen a tremendous increase in awareness, education, activism, and enhanced treatments, but we still have a journey ahead.

“Our room celebrates how far we have come, and examines how much more there is to do.

“The space has been split in two. One side recognizes all that we have accomplished the past 35 years. Through use of paste ups, the space is clad in posters and graphics that have increased awareness of the cause since 1984.

“The other side represents the future. It’s 2054, 35 years into the future. Here we have a blank slate. Projected on the blank slate are a various imagery that represents what the future can be. What will the next 35 years entail? Will we finally have a cure for AIDS? Located in the center of the space is our dining
table and chairs, clad in mirror. The table represents the present. By reflecting the past in the present, we can better understand how we can get to our ideal future.”