Media Category: 2018.0514

5.Diesel Tank

When a client needed a fuel tank to supply their onsite generator, Gonzalo Ferrer obtained this 3,000-gallon model with a custom cradle. Photo: Gonzalo Ferrer

4.Front yard

Clearing the storm-blown debris and vegetation from the Ferrer’s front yard. Photo: Gonzalo Ferrer

3.Wisconsin Electric

61 lineman and 31 service trucks from WE Energy and Wisconsin Public Service arrived in Puerto Rico in January 2018 to help restore power. Photo:

2.JVD Relief Trip

After Irma battered neighboring islands, the Ferrers and friends made a relief trip for residents on Jost Van Dyke on the Saturday before Maria’s arrival. Photo: Gonzalo Ferrer

1.Eye on PR

In one of the last images from the island’s Doppler radar, Maria’s eye moves on Humacao. Blown away by the storm, it hasn’t been replaced. Photo: Gonzalo Ferrer