Media Category: 2017.1023


Togo, by Michel Ducaroy, makes a cameo appearance in the lobby of Hollywood, California’s Standard Hotel. Unmistakable wherever it appears, Togo is both visually attractive and physically inviting. Photo: Ligne Roset


Plumy, by Annie Hiéronimus, is a 1980 design reissued in January 2016. Plumy’s armchair
and settee models are all-foam seating resulting from a collaboration of Michel Roset and Ms.
Hiéronimus. Multi-position seat and back cushions accommodate sitting and relaxing. Photo:
Ligne Roset


Situated in the Chicago Ligne Roset store’s corner suite, Prado, by Christian Werner, offers bed-sized seat cushions with mattress ticking on one surface for sleepovers. Place non-slip back cushions on seats, on floors, wherever needed. Photo: Jill Buckner


Facett seating, by Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec, suggests the complex folds of origami in armchairs with or without a swivel base and two settees. Photo: Ligne Roset