Welcome to the final installation of officeinsight’s first ever
NeoConnect 2020 Product Preview!
Over the past six weeks, we’ve taken a whirlwind trip through the halls of theMART and the streets of Chicago to find all the new products the contract furnishings world has been busy creating. We’ve missed the traditional NeoCon week immensely – sitting on the grand staircase, bumping into friends as we walk each floor, attending delicious feasts around the city, and having fruitful conversations with colleagues – we missed it all.
But, as with every year, the next NeoCon is waiting just around the corner, and we have a feeling NeoCon 2021 will be here before we know it! In the meantime, we encourage our readers to show their support for all of the contract furniture companies working hard to continue designing products that will fill our future workspaces.
Last week, we continued our NeoConnect 2020 Product Preview – a virtual walk-through of all the new products we would have seen walking the halls of theMART and the streets of Chicago during a traditional NeoCon. This week, in the final installation of our Product Preview, we take you around to all of the companies we’ve missed in previous issues, due to the unpredictability of the pandemic and its effects on our industry.
We hope you’ve enjoyed this product preview as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it. Cheers to NeoConnect 2020, and here’s to NeoCon 2021! And here’s a link to download our digital issue.
– The team at officeinsight