Mindset: The 2019 BIFMA 360 Leadership Conference

It’s probably safe to say that the majority of attendees at the 2019 BIFMA Leadership Conference, hail from the upper Midwest. When signing up for the event they had no idea that those dates would coincide with the “polar vortex” that swept into the U.S. from Canada and Siberia. But as luck would have it, on January 28th-30ththey were in in Scottsdale, AZ, when that arctic blast hit. By Arizona standards the weather was not that great, but to those traveling from Grand Rapids, Chicago or Detroit, it must have seemed providentially warm and wonderful. On the other hand, when it came time to go home there were rearranged and cancelled flights and all sorts of problems. I can remember when the BIFMA conference was a golf junket planned specifically to get the mostly Michigan executives and their wives out of the winter weather. But those days are long past. …