Industry Leaders Gather at BIFMA 360 to Recharge Creativity

The leaders of the commercial interiors industry gathered last week in California to be inspired and focus on creativity at the BIFMA 360 Conference. It is an annual gathering that purposely is not focused on industry-specific content. Instead the gathering explores big-picture topics like sustainability and AI that prompts attendees to think differently or at least see an issue in a new light.

The theme for this year’s conference, held at the Park Hyatt Aviara Resort and Golf Club in Carlsbad, Calif., was “Creative Curiosity” and a stellar lineup of speakers did not disappoint the record-setting number of more than 200 executives who came from virtually every notable furniture and textile manufacturer and a number of major suppliers. Leadership from design organizations such as IIDA and ASID attended as well, along with trade show organizers, technology partners and dealer groups.

(left to right) Paul Heinen and Byron Morton from THE MART have a conversation with JSI’s Mike Wagner and Linak’s John Jaqua during the BIFMA 360 Conference. Photos by officeinsight

“Creative Curiosity” was the final year of a four-part series of themes that were created by BIFMA and served as a roadmap to envision the future of the industry. The conference series began in with “Navigating Next,” followed by “Future First” and “Experimental Excellence.”

“This week, we’ll focus on our fourth theme, ‘Creative Curiosity’ as a core skill needed to achieve experimental excellence and breakthrough innovations. It’s a skill that has become increasingly important in an industry focused on product design, but a world also experimenting with AI. Luckily, we already have curiosity. The question is, do we remember how to use it?” asked MillerKnoll Contract Business Group President Chris Baldwin, who welcomed attendees to the event and also serves on the BIFMA board.

BIFMA President and CEO Deirdre Jimenez welcomes attendees to the BIFMA 360 Conference last week in Carlsbad, Calif.

Franco Bianchi, president and CEO of Haworth and a BIFMA board member, said curiosity is a basic, but powerful trait and the catalyst for defining the future. Curiosity is the spark that ignites innovation and encourages us to question the status quo and explore new perspectives and new ideas. “In essence, curiosity is the fuel that keep the engine of innovation running,” he said.

One of the most powerful aspects of the event is its focus on topics that are adjacent to, but not directly connected with the commercial interiors industry. It is not a conference filled with speakers on the commercial interiors industry. Instead, it focuses on topics that are important to executive leadership and designed to help boost the industry.

The opening keynote wasThe Theory of Creativity” presented by Duncan Wardle, founder of ID8 and the former head of innovation and creativity at Disney. In his role at Disney, Wardle and his team helped Imagineering, Lucasfilm, Marvel, Pixar and Disney Parks innovate and create magical new storylines and experiences for consumers around the globe. Today, he is on a mission to embed a culture of innovation into every company’s DNA.

Work began early at the BIFMA 360 Conference as attendees gathered for breakfast.

It was a high-energy, interactive presentation, packed with suggestions about how to boost creative thinking in your company and how to break down barriers to creativity. He said the best meetings happen in groups of four with no tables separating participants and no presentations or bullet points. And when ideas are explored, leadership should respond with “yes, and,” adding to the idea, which may or may not be further advanced, instead of “no, because,” which kills the idea before it ever gets off the ground.

Andrew Winston, an advisor at Winston Eco-Strategies, presentedNet Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take.” He encouraged companies to strive for net positive when it comes to the environment. “When we talk about sustainability, we often get into the details and forget why we are doing it in the first place,” he said.

MillerKnoll Contract Business Group President Chris Baldwin, who also serves on the BIFMA board, said “Creative Curiosity,” the theme of the BIFMA 360 Conference, is a skill that has become increasingly important in an industry focused on product design.

Sustainability pays, he said, even if there are some trade-offs. Customers expect companies to be sustainable and so do employees. There are amazing opportunities for companies in a multi-trillion dollar market, but if the environment is not addressed, the negative impact will be massive, an estimated loss of 18% of the world’s GDP.

Tara Cunningham, CEO of Beyond-Impact, who presentedNeurodiversity At Work,” explained how the commercial interiors industry can unlock innovation and growth by harnessing neurodiversity. Neurodiversity celebrates all the differences in the human brain that are associated with leading, working and processing information. 

She had attendees draw a barn on a sheet of paper and asked them to compare their drawing with one from a neighbor. Every barn was slightly different, a simple example of how everyone is neurodiverse. Neurodiverse workers are an asset at the companies where they work and accommodations to help them work better, such as rooms or places in an office where they can take a moment to collect themselves, helps everyone. Office designs should also consider lighting and temperature control. And since 53% of Gen Z say they are neurodivergent, companies need to take note and adjust office designs accordingly.

Attendees listen intently to the excellent slate of speakers during the 360.

Attendees also were presented with an update on the economy by Todd Buchholz, CEO of Sproglit. He said these “complicated economic times” are unpredictable and called this the “Age of Anxiety.” Buchholz called President Donald Trump the “Developer in Chief” who has always pushed for low interest rates. It is too early to tell who will be hurt by tariffs, though he said the job market is in decent shape. “The question is: Can consumers hang on?” and keep spending. So far, they are.

The second and final day of the event was kicked off by Lital Marom, founder and president of UNFOLD and innovation strategist and visionary, presents The Power of AI: Unleashing a New Era.” She urged business leaders to disrupt their own norms and push beyond their limitations to future-proof their business. Businesses are increasingly being defined by technology — those who embrace it and those who don’t. “While (traditional) businesses believe that 1+1=2, this new breed of organization knows that 1+1=6. What are they doing to grow so quickly?” she asked. One answer is that they are using a platform business model that relies on freelance and gig workers and eliminates middle management.

Franco Bianchi, president and CEO of Haworth and a BIFMA board member, said curiosity is a basic, but powerful trait and the catalyst for defining the future.

The final presentation came from David Shing, the digital profit” known as Shingy. He is a visionary in the digital era who closely observes the unfolding future in the vast online landscape. He shared his insights, guiding conversations about our digital direction and its optimal utilization during a presentation calledCreative Re-Branding Using Digital Technologies.”

While the conference focused on presenters who helped industry executives become more creatively curious, there was also time for fun and building social connections. On Monday evening, the day before the conference officially kicked off, attendees came together for one of the highlights of the event, a “speed dining” concept where attendees switched tables between courses and ate with different people each time. It was a great way for attendees, especially first-timers, to meet new people and 360 veterans to connect with industry friends.

Next year’s BIFMA 360 Conference will be held Jan. 26-28 at The Vinoy in St. Petersburg, Fla.

The BIFMA 360 Conference attracted more than 200 industry executives, the largest 360 Conference ever.
“The Theory of Creativity” presented by Duncan Wardle, founder of ID8 and the former head of innovation and creativity at Disney.
Sara Grant, vice president of sales at Gross Stabil Corp. answers a question from speaker Duncan Wardle.
Rebecca Boenigk, CEO of Neutral Posture and BIFMA board member, leads her team during an activity at the BIFMA 360 Conference.
Speaker Andrew Winston encouraged companies to strive for net positive when it comes to the environment.
Tara Cunningham, CEO of Beyond-Impact, who presented “Neurodiversity At Work,” explained how the commercial interiors industry can unlock innovation and growth by harnessing neurodiversity.
Attendees were presented with an update on the economy by Todd Buchholz, CEO of Sproglit, who said these complicated economic times are unpredictable and called this the “Age of Anxiety.”
Lital Marom, founder and president of UNFOLD and innovation strategist and visionary, presented “The Power of AI: Unleashing a New Era.”
THE MART’s Byron Morton explained the speed dining portion of the conference and updated attendees on activity at the Chicago commercial interiors hub.