CIFF Office, Shanghai, September 2016

Shanghai is vast and only sensibly navigated by an excellent, extremely fast but crowded subway system. Taxis are very cheap but that’s not much of an advantage when the roads are virtually gridlocked. The weather this September lurched between very hot with rain and very hot with high humidity. Uncomfortable. The Shanghai pollution levels were atrocious, causing everything to be covered with a permanent coating of smog and grime. The sky was only very occasionally visible. In nearby heavily industrialised Hangzhou, where the G20 Summit had been held the previous week, all factories had been ordered to close for the previous month and residents were requested to leave for the week of the Summit, all funded by Government grants and holiday vouchers. As a further incentive, food shelves in supermarkets and local shops were suddenly found to be empty. By the time of the Summit, pollution levels had improved to …