The start of a new year always brings with it mixed emotions: Should we embrace the fresh start hype, or is a bit of savvy skepticism in order?

I can’t lie: I’m a born skeptic. But if my work as a marketer in the design industry has taught me anything, it’s that design operates from a positive, problem-solving mindset. At IIDA, optimism is just part of our code — and it must be rubbing off, because when I started making a list of what I’m looking forward to this year, I had plenty to share. Here are the things that have me looking forward and upward for 2025.
A clear vision of the future: Uncertainty, in business or in life, can be extremely challenging. This year, IIDA is launching a first-of-its-kind program to provide designers and design industry professionals the tools to navigate uncertainty with confidence. Based on the proven methods of the Future Today Institute, our Certified Design Futurist program will teach the skills of research-based foresight, precisely tailored to the design industry. As a marketing professional in the design world, I can’t wait to see how this new discipline can be applied to my own work. I’m looking forward to opening our virtual doors to the first class of CDF learners this spring — and even more excited to see how they begin to transform the practice of design.
More strategic thinkers: Strategy is a word that gets tossed around a lot, but as leaders, are we really empowering our teams to practice it? For me, this year will be about shifting my team’s focus from process to strategy, and practicing a whole-team approach that enables creative thinking and innovation to come from anyone in our organization. I love the idea of grow-your-own strategists! Our CEO, Cheryl Durst, provides clarity around our goals and how we’ll get there, which allows everyone to participate to the fullest. That, in turn, creates the contagious optimism that’s one of IIDA’s key attributes.
Curated expansion: This year feels like a time to dream with intent, defining our goals and a clear path toward them. We’ll be executing (and celebrating!) several key expansions at IIDA this year: Design Your World, our flagship educational program which brings design to traditionally under-represented teens, is branching out to a fourth city this summer. With the help of generous sponsors, we’ll be working with design-curious teens in Dallas this year, in addition to programs in Chicago, St. Louis, and Miami. We are expanding our presence at NeoCon and Fulton Market Design Days in June, and also strengthening our collaborations in Europe. Our membership is also expanding, another measure of IIDA’s well-planned forward momentum.
Teaching, and learning: IIDA’s focus on education allows our marketing team to get to know our members in a unique way, and this year our signature Collective Design webinar series will bring a slate of “how to” topics designed to provoke new thoughts and inspire action. Our content team is working to weave deep relevance through every episode, with a particular focus on what our audience needs and wants to know. Our interactive, on-site programs are also growing, with several dynamic offerings tailored to specific topics throughout the year. Working to bring amazing, industry-wide expertise to our audiences, and listening to feedback from members, allows us to learn while teaching — the best of both worlds.
Embracing the tactile and low tech: A big benefit of working in the design industry? Exposure to amazing design and design ideas. This year, designers are looking at things that are ever more tactile and human, combining tech advances with a low-tech sensibility. I’m inspired to pull some of that into our work, too. Although we employ a wide range of tech tools, including messaging, productivity trackers, and lots of metrics, we have started a “screens down” policy during our face-to-face meetings, in an effort to increase attention, understanding, and creativity. As a leader who also happens to have ADHD, I’m looking forward to greater connection and focus that can result from leaning toward the analog and looking to increase sensory experiences. (If you’re trying this too, let me know — I’m curious to hear about the tactics others are using).
As 2025 gets rolling, there’s a lot to do, and a lot to look forward to. I hope your year is off to a great start, and that your list of coming attractions is robust and joyful. Here’s to a great year.
Editor’s Note: Cindy Dampier is Chief Marketing Officer for the International Interior Design Association, where she leads all marketing and brand strategy, bringing her expertise in brand voice, creative ideation, and process to an organization that serves and advocates for the worldwide community of commercial interior designers. Cindy is a lifelong storyteller whose previous experience includes shaping and leading agency content teams, as well as a career as an award-winning writer and editor for publications including the Chicago Tribune, where she led design coverage and edited the Tribune magazine.