Food for Thought – Podcasts, Healthy Materials, Pantone Blues

The holiday season is here, and it’s a busy time of the year as we host and attend parties, gift shop for loved ones, and balance tight work deadlines as the year-end approaches. Amidst the hustle and bustle, we invite you to slow down and take a moment to treat yourself to something fun or relaxing – whether it be a visit to the spa, a new book, or something more work/office-related, here are a few of our favorite ideas… Parsons Healthy Materials Lab – “A New Year, New Semester, New Design Approach” Many of us will create new year’s resolutions at the beginning of 2020, but at officeinsight, we like to start our goals for the new year even before January 1. Getting started in thinking about new goals puts you ahead, and if one of your resolutions calls for learning something new, an excellent option is Parsons’ Healthy …