Concurrents – Environmental Psychology: 2022 Workplace Research Highlights

A number of particularly meaningful and useful studies related to workplace design were published in 2022. Appel-Meulenbroek and colleagues studied return to corporate offices post-pandemic. They identified two segments of employees, one of which preferred to do most of their future work in onsite workplaces (69% of participants) and the other of which preferred to work from home (31% of people who took part in the study). 99% of “office workers” preferred to work in the office when communicating with colleagues would be a significant part of their day, while in the same situation 34% of the “home workers” had the same preference.  “Office” (75%) and “home” (90%) workers both preferred to work at home on concentration-intense days. The research team conclude that there is a “need to keep a diverse office workplace available to satisfy the needs of all employees if hybrid working policies are introduced. . . .the …