Concurrents – Environmental Psychology: Tidying Up

The success of Marie Kondo’s Netflix streaming series “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” shows just how burdened many people are by their stuff. It seems inevitable that the combined popularity of Kondo’s series and the drive to move forward with spring cleaning goals means many workplaces are currently being “tidied up.” Tidying up is, in technical psych terms, an attempt to bring visual complexity down to moderate levels; high levels of visual complexity are present in cluttered spaces. When people experience moderate visual complexity, there are all sorts of positive repercussions. Moderate visual complexity is not only what is preferred, but has also been tied to environmental satisfaction generally. Higher levels of complexity, as in cluttered areas, not only make people feel stressed but also degrade professional performance as well as mood – and when we’re in a more positive mood, we’re better at problem solving, creative thinking, and getting along …