Concurrents – Environmental Psychology: Spring Cleaning
The popular press fills with articles about spring cleaning every year as soon as we reset our clocks. It’s as if getting home from work when it’s still light outside gives people a few extra minutes every day to notice the dust bunnies threatening to overrun their home and motivates them to eradicate the fuzzy friends with whom they’ve spent the winter. Often, the push to clean up at home spontaneously extends to freshening up the office, which is generally a good thing. Cleaning up at work can clear out random bits of stuff that are keeping people from working well, literally. Stacks of papers and magazines, which still exist even in our “low-paper” age, can fill chairs and tabletops, preventing their productive use, for example. When where we work is messy, the image our office projects is at odds with the one we want to share with the world. …