Concurrents – Environmental Psychology: Smelling Good!
Since the pandemic began a year ago, there has been renewed attention to our sense of smell. Who hasn’t had a conversation with someone who states that they were concerned they might have COVID-19, but since they hadn’t lost their sense of smell, they figured they were OK? Although adding scents to any space can lead to multiple “challenges,” it seems that doing so now might be some sort of public service—although there are user groups who might debate that point. Scentscaping has been moving mainstream for a number of years, however. Even the Emergency Room at Vanderbilt’s hospital added scents to help manage patient stress levels. The best way for spaces to smell is “good.” When users feel that a space smells “good,” moods generally improve, and with those boosts in mood come enhanced problem solving ability, creative performance, and ability to get along with others. “Good” could be …