Concurrents – Environmental Psychology: Operating Rooms are Workplaces

Operating rooms are definitely workplaces—ones where many of us have had occasion to hope that those working there perform to their full potential. A new article in The New York Times reviews important work being done to develop the operating rooms of the future.  The processes outlined in the article are a useful review of ideas that can also lead to successful (however you’d like to define “successful”) workplace design, and this article may even be usefully distributed to office design clients—sometimes the value of a set of actions becomes clearer to users when they are discussed in a context apart from their own. The article in question is by Ellen Rosen (“Operating Rooms Go Under the Knife,” and was published on May 5, 2021. Rosen covers many important topics, such as how designers are dealing with operating room clutter and uncertainty related to technologies that will need to be …