Concurrents – Environmental Psychology: Keeping Walking in Workplaces

Revamping our workplaces to alleviate concerns raised about the spread of contagious diseases means that there will be lots of changes to offices and to how we behave when we’re in them. For the foreseeable future we’ll probably be wearing masks onsite and talking to each other through Plexiglass while sitting at annoying distances from each other. Options to walk in our workplaces should remain, somehow, someway, when workplaces are ultimately reconfigured. Walking from place to place does lots of good things for what goes on in our heads. Treadmill desks also have their pluses, but their benefits aren’t as rich and varied as those that flow from perambulating from one place to another. The first benefit of walking to note is that it can be good for our physical health, and what’s good for our physical health can boost our professional performance. The amount of walking that most of …