Concurrents – Environmental Psychology: Compensating for Masks

By now all of us have had the experience of trying to have a conversation with someone else while we’re wearing a mask.  Whatever is said is muffled by the mask, which can be frustrating as we try to make ourselves understood but also catastrophic communication-wise when one of the people trying to talk has a hearing issue or there is any background noise. Many of us, even if unconsciously, rely on lip-reading when we talk to others, and the masks in general-use make that impossible.  Masks with clear panels over mouths are becoming more plentiful, however, and that will help people see more of the face of someone speaking, which will be a big plus for discussions. It is unclear how soon masks with clear panels will be available to all, or even if that they ever will be, or how, in practice, they effect speech muffling. A recent …