Knowledge Inclusivity at the Perkins+Will Research Labs


In a time of big data, seemingly unlimited resources, and a culture of knowledge sharing, research has become available to organizations in many fields that did not previously have it.

Perkins+Will’s 10 Research Labs. Photography: courtesy of Perkins+Will, via

While generating original research is not a possibility at every firm level, large firms are now filling the gaps and making their findings available to the public, including competitors, on a larger scale. One of the easiest ways to become a thought leader in any industry is to make your findings available to everyone – set competition aside, and let the research do the talking.

2016.0307.Perkins+WillResearchLabs3.BuildingTechnologyPerhaps the most shining example of this anywhere the world over is electric vehicle company Tesla Motors, and more specifically, its co-founder and CEO, Elon Musk. Mr. Musk chose in 2014 to release all of Tesla’s electric car patents to anyone who wanted to use the technology. Now, technology and research are two very different things, and the distinction is indeed important. Nonetheless, the example succeeds in illustrating a movement toward inclusivity and knowledge sharing that is happening now in many industries, and hopefully, will continue to broaden its scope in the future.

Global architecture and design firm Perkins+Will is one of many firms in the workplace design industry that count themselves part of this group (Gensler, HOK, IDEO, and many more are also leaders in this respect, not to mention the many office furniture manufacturers that contribute research). At the Perkins+Will website, a clever interactive segment called the “10 Research Labs,” provides an excellent resource for practitioners, clients, and curious minds in general (user tip: try viewing it on an iPad in landscape form for top viewing experience).

The Research Labs are topical research forums that make the research easily digestible for readers of all knowledge and skill levels. The labs shed light on why they make certain design decisions – what backs those decisions up. A Perkins+Will website publication about the research labs reads:

The interactive Research Labs at
The interactive Research Labs at

“We’re creators and curators of intelligence…Whether it’s understanding how buildings affect the human experience, discovering the latest energy efficiency strategies, or finding the most innovative and healthy building materials and technologies, our research allows us to design smarter, more competitive built environments – for you.

“In collaboration with academics and other experts, our ten research labs are at the forefront of architectural inquiry. The intelligence we’re cultivating ensures you’re getting the most informed, meaningful, customized design solutions possible.

“We hope to inspire you to call on us as a trusted source of intelligence, and to join us on our research journey. So go ahead – say ‘hi.’ Ask us questions. Share your ideas. Through dialogue, we can innovate real-life design solutions that will ensure better buildings, places, cities and systems in 2016 and beyond.”

On the Perkins+Will website, each Research Lab details how the topic at hand impacts people, the planet, and prosperity and provides specific research studies already conducted or being conducted; a mini case study; and an expert contact at Perkins+Will.
On the Perkins+Will website, each Research Lab details how the topic at hand impacts people, the planet, and prosperity and provides specific research studies already conducted or being conducted; a mini case study; and an expert contact at Perkins+Will.

Each of the Labs includes an introduction to the topic and why it’s significant, as well as how the lab and its topic of choice are making an impact on three categories: people, the planet, and prosperity. The lab then details specifically what it’s researching, and how – by linking to research already conducted, or being conducted on the topic; providing supplementary information on the research methods used and additional resources; and providing an expert contact at Perkins+Will who interested persons can reach out to for more information.

Each lab also includes a project spotlight – a mini case study highlighting examples of how Perkins+Will is applying that specific research to their work for clients.

2016.0307.Perkins+WillResearchLabs6.PeoplePlanetProsperityPerkins+Will has a lot more going on beyond the labs, too. Aside from its peer-reviewed research journal, it operates a nonprofit research arm called Area Research, which collaborates with other academic and professional researches to apply for research grants. In addition, the firm’s Innovation Incubator program supports “small, focused research projects proposed by staff members through micro-grants of money and time,” according to the firm’s website. “These micro-grants provide incentive for proactive idea exploration, technical development and design collaboration.”

While the disclosed information in the Research Labs could push a little further in the level of specificity it reaches, it’s still a great resource that frames large-scale global issues in ways that can help us understand their impact on our daily life. Whether you have some free time and want to stretch your brain, or just need a break from your day-to-day work this March, check out the research labs here, or individually linked below:

>Design Process

>Human Experience


>Sustainable Communities

>Building Technology

>Material Performance




>Regenerative Design