Research Design Connections: Working at Home Distractions

Bergefurt and colleagues studied the experiences of people working from home, finding that work-at-home experiences were much like those in the workplace.  The investigators determined that “Previous research showed that office workers…

Research Design Connections: Evening Nature

Klotz and colleagues studied the implications of employees experiencing outdoor nature after spending a day at work indoors.  They determined that – “Our results, based on three studies employing different methodologies (i.e.,…

Research Design Connections: Encouraging Stair Use

Mustafa and Ali reviewed published studies to learn how workplace design can encourage people to use stairs instead of elevators.  They report that “safety, motivations, appeal and comfort, and legibility were the…

Research Design Connections: Office Noise

Ayoko and teammates reviewed how office noise influences employee mood (affect), which is particularly important because more positive moods enhance cognitive performance, getting along with other people, wellbeing, and health.  The research…

Research Design Connections: Valuing the Familiar

Winet and O’Brien add to our understanding of when familiar options will be selected instead of novel ones.  The researchers report that “In eight experiments with nearly 6,000 total participants, [they] explored…