Bergefurt and colleagues studied the experiences of people working from home, finding that work-at-home experiences were much like those in the workplace. The investigators determined that “Previous research showed that office workers…
Goel and colleagues evaluated workers’ experiences in various sorts of workspaces. They report that “Data from 225 office workers were collected for perceived fatigue, perceived sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index [PSQI]),…
Klotz and colleagues studied the implications of employees experiencing outdoor nature after spending a day at work indoors. They determined that – “Our results, based on three studies employing different methodologies (i.e.,…
Zhang and colleagues link air temperature and perceived indoor air quality in university classrooms; it seems likely that their findings are also relevant in other contexts. The researchers found that “Perceived air…
Mustafa and Ali reviewed published studies to learn how workplace design can encourage people to use stairs instead of elevators. They report that “safety, motivations, appeal and comfort, and legibility were the…

A number of particularly meaningful and useful studies related to workplace design were published in 2022. Appel-Meulenbroek and colleagues studied return to corporate offices post-pandemic. They identified two segments of employees, one…
Ayoko and teammates reviewed how office noise influences employee mood (affect), which is particularly important because more positive moods enhance cognitive performance, getting along with other people, wellbeing, and health. The research…

Neuroscience research makes natural light seem like a magical substance, one that we just can’t consume too much of (as long as there’s plenty of sunscreen). Workplaces with exterior walls that are…
Verdugo and teammates’ work highlights previously unreported ramifications of having selected something over something else. They share that they “designed a task in which healthy participants saw two lotteries on each trial.…
Research by Fauville and colleagues in the virtual world is likely relevant in real life also. The investigators evaluated “the impact of three nonverbal cues displayed through video conference screenshots (i.e., gaze…

Something that seems to get lost in discussions of hybrid work arrangements is the fact that not all employees who toil away in offices do the same sort of work. Some employees…
Winet and O’Brien add to our understanding of when familiar options will be selected instead of novel ones. The researchers report that “In eight experiments with nearly 6,000 total participants, [they] explored…