Vuja De: The disruptive Workplace

NeoCon 2015 played host to the debut of a fifth seminar by the inspiring Gensler duo Sven Govaars and Dean Strombom, titled Vuja De: Disruptive Workplace. In their past work, Mssrs. Strombom and Govaars have addressed space optimization, the open plan office, optimizing human potential through design, and achieving happiness by design. Each year, the concepts and research behind their current seminar inform their future work. This new chapter addresses the concept of a disruptive workplace; not to be confused with a distraction and noise-filled office, a disruptive workplace is one that empowers individuals to choose where, when and how they work by disrupting conventional thought of what the workplace is. The environments and tools we have at our disposal in our workplaces continue to present remarkable opportunities for how we work. The disruptive workplace movement comes at a pivotal moment in the history of work. In their presentation, Mssrs. …