The ASID Outcome of Design Awards, Part 1 of 3

We all know great interior design impacts our lives in ways we don’t fully understand and in ways we find hard to prove objectively. Yet a central issue for those of you whose livelihoods depend upon convincing people that “design pays” is that proving it statistically or in some other measurable way requires dedicated research, preferably research that establishes a baseline before the new project and then follow up research after it’s been in use for some time. The majority of clients don’t want to pay for such research. They’re willing to simply say something like, “We love our new offices.” And leave it at that. In the fall of 2018 ASID unveiled an awards program to promulgate the positive effects of great design on the users of completed projects and to celebrate examples of well-designed and well-researched projects. Based on their design solutions, occupant experiences, and post-occupancy research, notable …