Round Two for Cisco’s Meraki – by Studio O+A

Four years ago, tech conglomerate Cisco acquired Meraki, a maker of cloud- controlled wireless systems. At that time, Studio O+A designed larger quarters for Meraki – a space to grow but one that would keep the company’s sense of identity. Now, Meraki is expanding into a new floor to accommodate its rapid growth. O+A was invited back to complete the expansion – an opportunity to revisit the design concepts that made Meraki’s first workspace so compelling. O+A recognized a rare opportunity in the project to essentially reopen a closed case – to go back and check in on a past project, not simply a few weeks after move-in for a post-occupancy survey, but to continue its design work – to observe how the company had grown out of the original space, and to explore how best to expand and tweak the workspace. How to massage a first workspace and use it to …