Architecture as Community: A K-5 Prototype School for Rockford Public Schools by CannonDesign

Schools have always been a place of gathering for cities. In many ways, they provide a touchpoint for all of the micro communities living in a city, drawing them together into one larger whole. A set of two new K-5 prototype schools for Rockford Public Schools in Rockford, Illinois, brings that sense of community to everything architecture-related. Designed by CannonDesign, the new public school puts architecture in the hands of its students and teachers; rather than designing for students, the design team designed the new school with students. In an officeinsight interview, Robert Benson, Design Principal at CannonDesign, walked through the project’s genesis, and how this dynamic, power-to-the-kids school was executed so successfully. “We had done some work with the school district prior to doing this project – smaller projects and renovations around the district, and they had five schools they wanted to close, combining those students into two central …